Archive for June, 2010


…is in my genes.

Take this blog…Neglected for so long because there is always a tomorrow.

Calling friends up is a lost cause because I always wait for 5 more minutes till it gets really late.

Take today at work: I had taken some pains in writing a script that automated a huge chunk of the work that I had to do, and yet, at the end of the day, I finished only about an hour’s worth of work.  My attention span is in the order of seconds. Every minute I need to take a break. The worst part was, as I was driving back, I had no idea how the time went in the office today. I just knew that I ran 10 scenarios and each one takes about 5 minutes to setup and execute.

Last few weeks, I have taken it to another level altogether. I just do nothing. Nothing, except for refreshing Twitter, Facebook and Google Reader. There are about 5-6 movies that I have left unfinished after starting. I don’t even want to start reading “The Good Earth”, even after really liking the first 30 or 40 pages of the book, for the fear that I may get sucked into reading it for hours together. I haven’t seen a soccer game or a Tennis game entirely, switching channels aimlessly every minute or so. I am hardly going into the kitchen, but am cooking out of necessity (the office mess sucks!)

All I seem to want is to do nothing. I sit at office, waiting for 4.45 so that I can get back home and do nothing.

When I knew that I would be coming to Tonawanda for the summer, I had planned so many trips to increase the states I have visited count, but it has been a month since I came here, and I have not been to Buffalo downtown, hardly 8-10 miles from where I stay.

I want to get out of this rut, but don’t know how. 😦