About me

Washington Island, Door County, WI

Washington Island, Door County, WI


I am Kaushik. I am a PhD student in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I work in the area of advanced process controls. Presently, I am developing algorithms and tools for distributed model predictive control and trying to apply them for supply chain optimization. Technically speaking, this should not be Chemical Engineering. I belong to a community of  engineers, who are deeply interested in mathematics, statistics, optimization and programing  and chemical processes just happen to be the domain of interest of the algorithms that the community develops. I happen to be in a PhD program, because I was inspired to do “research” while I was finishing my Masters in IIT-Bombay.  I happen to be in Chemical Engineering, because while selecting a seat for my undergraduate, I chose Chemical Engineering at RVCE Bangalore, as the alternate choice, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, was just too long to keep repeating to relatives and well-wishers. 

I have varied interests in life, and my ambitions after PhD rapidly oscillate (and as a controls person, I should hate oscillations) between an academician,  a management consultant, a Wall-street techie, an industry practitioner, to a social worker (NGO kind, working for spreading primary education to poorer sections of India). Presently, I am itching to return to India, in any career capacity, although,  I am not sure, if the desire to work in India will be burning after 3 or 4 years when I graduate.

Since starting the blog, in November 2005, my blog has been a constant friend for me. I write mainly about memories from the past, life experiences and such. Ocassionaly, I write about books that I have read and loved, movies that I loved, and journal-isque entries about current events. I even venture to write about current issues and my thoughts about them. I want to write more about politics and sport. I hope that I get to writing them.  On really rare days, short stories appear out of nowhere, and occupy every inch of space inside my head, and those days, I use this blog in an attempt to tell the story inside my head. But, these days are really rare.  Finally, on really really bad days, when it seems that all happiness is being sucked out of me, I tend to write really cryptic posts. I really like to read my posts again and again, and do it often, as it brings a smile on my face.

Late in 2005, I was listening to “Wish you were here” by Pink Floyd, and that inspired me to name my blog after the song. I cannot find much reason for naming it so, but for the reason that the song is still one of my most favourite songs. I especially love the lines towards the end

We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? The same old fears.

It just sums up what I generally write about : “The same old mess in my head”

Hope you enjoy reading the blog. I would love your thoughts, comments and suggestions.

You may email me at narasimhan [dot] kaushik [at] gmail.com


  1. #1 by karthikshekhar on June 18, 2009 - 7:54 pm

    Nice to make your acquaintance, Kaushik. I think I remember you back from IITB, though we never really knew each other back then.

    Also, nice blog btw!

    • #2 by Kaushik on June 18, 2009 - 11:58 pm


      If you have not noticed, this “about me” is heavily inspired by your “about me”.

  2. #3 by Karthik on June 19, 2009 - 9:16 am

    🙂 That’s very kind of you to say so.

    Your blog is far superior to mine, both in terms of regularity and quality. I need to draw some inspiration!

    See you around. And do hit me up if you ever plan to stop by Boston/Cambridge.

  3. #4 by SK on August 12, 2009 - 10:59 pm

    You are from Badgerland too I see!! :–)) Are you in the Engring building? Sigh! Nice memories :–)

    • #5 by Kaushik on August 18, 2009 - 1:24 am

      oh! ya! I am in the Engineering building…but you will see a lot of changes here….The Union South is gone 😦 (ok, new one comes in 2011-or 12)

  4. #6 by mitoticallyyours on August 2, 2010 - 7:57 pm

    I do not know how I ended up here. Here in the US myself, I am craving for a cup of filter kaapi (sigh!) and put good-old google to use to see if I could make some. And here I am.

    Consider yourself blogrolled! 🙂

  5. #7 by Abhishek Deobhakta on December 25, 2010 - 2:17 pm

    Good read Kaushik…by the time you are read this, probably you will be seated at the MCG watching The ASHES.

    BTW: Dont see you tweeting anymore?


  6. #8 by Latesh on June 9, 2009 - 10:12 am

    Hey Kaushik,

    Kaise ho ?

    I accidentally found you while searching for “RVCE”…, was just curious to check if the “Kaushik” that was on my search page was indeed the Kaushik that I know… read couple of your blogs and all I can say the least is good expression of your thoughts.

    Good luck


  7. #9 by Kaushik on June 16, 2009 - 4:03 pm

    I am doing really good 🙂 I guess you can find out more about what I am doing from the blog!



  1. Grihapravesam « Wish you were here

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